besides the melding of beautiful cultures, service to the community, self awareness and journey of growth, delicious food, history, culture, and unreasonably attractive people:
The feel of a book in your hands, the binding against your fingers, the smell of the pages - a book is an experience. Plus you can read it in the bath
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and now I am sharing the greatness to you: Pride & Prejudice, in emoticons. It made me giggle for a minute or so, and sometimes that's all you need for the morning.
Now, I must go and buy the rest of the ingredients for my Christmas present cookies.
one day. Just like how I'm going to finish Swann's Way at some point before the new year (I bought it a year ago? I think.) but until then, I may just spend my time marveling at how creative and weird and insane Every Page of Moby Dick Illustrated is
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finishing April Bride, and man. It'd be nice if I had an Eita in my life. Or a Yujin Kitagawa. Or a Dave. It wouldn't be necessary, as I do not need a man, but it'd be nice to have one around for moments like
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